Standing: Earl Cruser, Bob Ressue, Charlie Moller, Gordon Heihn. Sitting: Vince Moura, Teresa Meikle
A Dixieland jazz band

Let us add a little oompah to your occasion

If you're in need of lively Dixieland jazz, or if your bratwurst could benefit from some Bavarian tunes, please give us a call.
Charles Moller (707) 762-6713

Coming up! Everyone welcome.
June 24, 2007, 6 p.m.: First Presbyterian Church of Petaluma
939 B St., Petaluma
Part of the Vesper Concert Series

August 11, 2007, 1 - 3 p.m.: Petaluma Historical Museum courtyard
Petaluma Quilt Show

Appearances in 2006-2007 included:
Petaluma Historical Museum
BBQ and Quilt Show.

Oak View of Sonoma Hills
   Oktoberfest party
   Mardi Gras party

Santa Rosa Veterans Center
Marines Annual Birthday Party

Private fundraiser for Giant Steps Therapeutic Equestrian Center

Why are we called the Turning Basin Crew?
Our name comes from the historic Turning Basin area on the Petaluma River. The old paddle-wheel steamers used to come up the river, deliver their goods and passengers, and turn around here for the trip back to San Francisco.
Petaluma River's historic Turning Basin

Who's in the band?
Earl Cruser, tuba; Gordon Heihn, trombone; Teresa Meikle, saxophones; Charlie Moller, clarinet; Vince Moura, trumpet; Bob Ressue, piano
Playing at the Great Petaluma Quilt Festival, Aug. 2004